Forest City 4 Epilogue

    "Bonnie! Your father wants to talk to you!" Elaine called for me from the foyer.

    I just stay laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling fan, blasting music into my ears. I knew that father was going to ask about my grades and about the whole school year, the same things he always asks about, it's not like he even is here, just in a phone call with Elaine, who was outside my door. I turned myself over and got up off of my bed. I walked over to my door and hesitated with the doorknob. My fur looked ghostly and white on my hands, but I didn't care a single bit about it.

    As I gently opened the door, Elaine pushed it open, bright light lit up my dimly lit room. I tried to shut my door quickly, but not trying to slam it, mostly because I didn't want to be rude.

    "You really need to dust in here and vacuum, oh and that smell is utterly putrid," Elaine started to berate me.

    "Dad wants to talk to me?" I questioned.

    "Well, you know, but this time it's different," Elaine stuttered for words, "This is... yes...this is going to be a lot to take in."

    I felt a rush of emotions sweep over my mind. Has my father died? Did he come back? Come on spit it out Elaine?

    "I think it's best if you hear it for yourself," Elaine offered the phone to me with a solemn expression.

    I was a little confused at first, but the sudden realization that this wasn't any ordinary phone call, made everything crystal clear. I put the phone up to my ear.

    "Bon, how are you dear?" Dad asked first.

    "Fine," I lied, "How have you been?"

    Dad sighed with fatigue and exhaustion, "It could be better, I feel like seems to get worse, but I've seen some...improvements."

    "Th-that's good," I muttered with worry. What did he even mean by that?

    "I wanted to ask you a quick question, just between you and me," Dad proposed.

    "Yes?" I said a little bitterly.

    "Will you take over the business for me?"

*Author's note: when I draw this scene, have the question lingering over Bonnie's head and make that the majority of the top 2/3's of the page, the rest of the 1/3 will be a frame of Bonnie's phone with a text message from Toni that reads: "Wanna fetch some coffee with me." It probably will have a :P smiling emoji for fun :) Bonnie's mother should also have a small frame dedicated to her smiling mischievously.


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