Forest City 3 Chapter 15 -Bait-
I remember going home later in the month to see mom and Mac in the living room. I couldn't wait to braid her hair, teach her how to ride a bike, help her with her homework. I was dying to do all of that. Mom was quite tired and dad was almost done working in the field, so I "helped" by watching Mac sleep in her crib in the living room. I helped tidy up the living room, helped mom clean a little in the kitchen, and helped with cooking supper for the evening.
I always liked helping around the house, but a part of me knew that farming wasn't for me, like, I should go out and travel across the world, take in the culture, etc. I then found my talent for art that afternoon.
I couldn't wait to have my sister grow up, we were going to have so much fun together.
I couldn't sleep at all that night, I had trouble with the shooting pains in my arm. I feel selfish for what I have done, they shouldn't have to go through this, I'm so fake.
"It appears as if you are getting better," Bonnie said as she walked through the room, "I'm glad he didn't mess up your cute little face."
"Mac took the bait," I replied, "Now, just leave us alone."
"You know what I want," Bonnie continued, then glared at me with those bright green eyes.
"Cobalt." I could practically read her thoughts.
"Now that Mac is vulnerable and Cobalt and I... well you saw the Fall Ball, I just need a reason to make Mac jealous. So use that big brain of yours to help her get close to... you-know-who"
"You and Cobalt have been getting closer recently," I echoed ignoring the subject of you-know-who.
"All going according to plan, Mac must see me as a threat to Cobalt and their relationship, Mac took him away from me, now I take him back," Bonnie finished threateningly. She whipped around and left the room.
I can't believe what I have done! I have to tell Cobalt about Bonnie, I can't tell Mac, that would break their heart. Bonnie has to be stopped.
I'm such a fake friend.
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