Forest City 2 Chapter 17 -Aftermath of the Blue Moon Ball-

    After the Blue Moon Ball I made my way outside, I met up with Cobalt, he was curled up on one of the school's benches that were placed here when we were 6th graders, I assume they got the money from a fundraiser.

    Cobalt sniffled and began, "Why are you out here?"

    "I can't handle it, Bonnie blamed me for making HER night the worst," I replied with a hint of nervous laughter.

    "This year has been pretty rough," Cobalt continued, "I can't let this happen anymore."

    "I know," I said silently and wrapped my arm around Cobalt's shoulder. He began to let it all out again using his tie as a hankerchief practically.

    "I don't want anymore friends, ever, I NEVER want to date anyone again!" Cobalt cried out through tears.

    I rested my head on his shoulder, an autumn breeze ruffled my feathers and his fur. I didn't want to say what I thought, I wouldn't ever understand how he felt about Bonnie... or Caspian as a matter of fact. This pain didn't just come from a simple breakup, it came from his parent's breakup. Cobalt only felt a sense of loss and tragedy when he found love, his parents never gave him a good idea of what love truly looked like. Cobalt was always unsure about his feelings towards people, just playing along with others just to please them.

    "Cobalt, I don't think I'll ever understand how you feel, but..." I trailed off trying to find the words, "You'll find someone that means everything to you and I hope you find them in time. Don't try to please everyone else, it doesn't help and doesn't show your true character."

    "Do you think... you can do that for me?" Cobalt asked silently. His blue eyes met mine.

    "I love you man, but... not in that way," I said in return, "I just want to be your friend."

    Cobalt responded, "Do you think I'll ever find someone who thinks I'm good enough?"

    "I promise you will," I replied then thought, Just treat them right and they'll treat you right.

    We sat under the stars for what seemed like hours, the after party still going on inside the school, the booming music muffled by the concrete walls of the school. Another chilling breeze swept over the courtyard rustling up leaves and some corn husk that had been brought over here from the farms. A bag of Summerwood peanuts drifted along like almost all city litter. I gazed up at the stars one more time... the moon cascaded its light under a dim cloud in the vast ocean of darkness and soon it revealed an icy blue shade of color.


  1. did i like, miss a chapter? i checked and i read chapter 16, but now weve suddenly cut to after the ball. is this intentional? or is it an error in assigning the correct chapter to the correct number?

    1. it is intentional to wrap up the plot thread from earlier


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