Character Files: What's new!?

    It has come to my attention that I don't necessarily have that much content for the character files, mostly because way back in the wonderful land of 2019, I had no plans for my characters, so I just drew them, a lot of the characters I had made back in 2019 either were just simple fun warm ups or were going to be a part of a completely different story, times have changed and I'm much more focused on the current story and development of Forest City. I do like the Character Files, like, A LOT! I want to do more with drawings and other designs, but I will save some other character designs for later because:

1. I either don't have enough drawings to make a file

2. I don't necessarily know the 5 W's and 1 H about the characters specifically, so I may get around to the few


3. I haven't updated some of these designs, like, at all, let me explain...

    So the "final" drawings on the character files are not the actual final designs, these are concept art. Concept art is almost like a blueprint for a character. Since I made most of these drawings without any background context behind the characters, besides a few tidbits of information, I haven't had the chance to really flesh out the "final" character designs. I also have improved ever so slightly since I did those drawings and I just want to redo them, in general. Plus, I got some new swanky outfits I want to explore, mostly because there is a seasonal change in Book 3, a school dance in Book 2, and fancy outfits for Book 1. I really need to get around to drawing some of these outfits, but I most likely will when Book 3 is finished. I have a plan for at least 6 books in the series, each of them having their own conflict, but putting that aside, I am now going to talk about Character Files and their future.

    My new plan for Character Files is going to be focusing on a general art/writing theme, the reason why I put art and writing here is because this focuses on character archetypes, in other words, so I don't have to type out archetypes over and over I will be saying character types to shorten it down, mostly because I can't spell that great and I'm typing this, plus, it's my blog.

    So every 2 weeks I am going to post a new character type on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM (Central Daylight Time). It is going to look like this.

Character Files: Random character archetype

Blah, blah, blah, talk about this character archetype blah, blah... BLAH

    So what am I going to detail about the character archetypes, well I will tell you.

1. I will list off a few characters, that I know of, that fall under this category specifically

2. I will talk about the general idea of this archetype

3. I'll maybe sprinkle in a bit of things I like and dislike about this archetype

4. I may tie in one of my characters, but I kinda want it to be a scavenger hunt almost, let you all figure out what archetypes my characters are, this may put some insight into what kind of characters I enjoy writing about

    So, one thing I will consider is friend groups, but those tend to be more complex than just talking about one specific character archetype, I may talk about what kinds of friends these characters might just have in their own universe. I want to point out that these archetypes aren't bad, but some of them may need to be retired at this point because they may be a little negative when certain people are watching these shows. It is a good idea to keep in hand that characters need to be role models (to an extent) for kids and even adults watching these shows. And no, this doesn't just apply to cartoons specifically, but since it is the medium I am familiar with, I will be referring to cartoons, this applies to almost all forms of media, especially you Riverdale!

    I think this will be a fun new thing for the blog, as I am still working on many character designs and I've been a little achy after my vaccine (my second will be on May 7th and I've heard that has worse symptoms) so I hope to have a fun little break from art and writing for a little bit.

    Feel free to comment down some character archetypes you are dying for me to talk about.


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